For Military and Government Clients:

Engineering Defects Investigations:

​​Bio-mechanical Analysis: The line blurs between the mechanical world and the biological world when an accident results in bodily injury. Marking the connections between the two fields of engineering and medicine, We can help establish why an injury for fatality occurred when an accident involves bio-mechanical analysis. Our expertise in the areas of structural analysis, continuum mechanics, mechanism analysis, kinematics and dynamics help determine the cause of the injuries in relation to the accident. Engineers at us are able to reconstruct the accident to gain insight into impact severity and other factors. Our cases span from automotive to commercial factories.
Biomedical - Equipment / Prosthetic Device Failures: While defective products can negatively impact personnel, production and the environment, a defective biomedical product can cause bodily injury and fatalities. Our bio-medical team at our Group  are experts at evaluating bio-medical products and establishing why a failure occurred or to prevent any failures from occurring. Our professionals have the expertise of applying engineering principles to biomedical devices and have been involved in the design and development phase of numerous briomedical devices. Our unparalleled engineers and sciencetists have years of experience in performing evaluations and tests on different biomdical equipment and prosthetic devices. The design, manufacture, installation and use of the product are also analyzed to determine if the highest standards of safety were maintained.
           Related Proficiencies:
             Bio-medical Engineering
Civil / Geotechnical Damage Assessments: When you need civil / geotechnical analysis after a disaster has occurred, Forensic Analysis & Engineering can help. Using state-of-the-art equipment, the experts at our Group  have decades of experience in conducting field investigations and are capable of investigating subsurface conditions and materials to establish why a disaster happened. Our experienced engineers are unrivaled in their extensive services that span from evaluating the stability of the soil to assessing any risks posed by site conditions and construction. We also can provide full reports of geo-technical sampling and testing. Our lab results can help you make crucial decisions in construction designs and ensure a sound foundation.
           Related Proficiencies:
               Plumbing System Failure
               Design Failure
               Repair Cost Estimates & Recommendations
Electrical / Electronic Product & System Failures: Forensic Analysis & Engineering’s team of professional engineers and certified experts work together to provide professional, cost-effective services to the insurance, legal, and private industry sectors in matters relating to the technology of electricity.  Our engineers evaluate and analyze the design and application of circuitry and equipment for machine control, communications, and power generation and distribution to determine the cause of failures. We also determine and evaluate causes to damaged electrical systems, components and appliances. A thorough investigation is critical in the event of personnel injuries or equipment damage and our team is dedicated to establishing why an electrical failure occurred and providing you with a full and comprehensive report. We are able to reconstruct the accident or evaluate the defective appliance and provide assistance in preventing future failures.
           Related Proficiencies:
               Grounding & Lightning Protection
               Electrical Accident Reconstruction
               Circuit Board & Relay System Failure
               Appliance Defect Evaluations
Structural Defects / Construction Damage Claims: Forensic Analysis & Engineering’s highly qualified structural engineers can ensure structures and buildings are constructed properly so that employees and pedestrians remain safe. Our professional engineers will perform detailed inspections of residential, commercial or industrial buildings. We have decades of experience investigating structural failures in roads, bridges, canals, dams, and buildings. The our  team of experts is capable of providing finite element analysis, stress analysis, and failure analysis. Whether it’s a major disaster, or a simple support crack, you will be provided with unbiased, comprehensive reporting and clear pictures that will enable you to settle your case quickly with the clear facts you need. If a structural failure occurs, experts can assess the damage to establish why it occurred and how such a failure can be prevented in the future.
           Related Proficiencies:
               Foundation & Materials Failures
               Structural Overloading
               Building Envelope Failures
               Mold & Mildew Removal
               Repair Cost Estimates & Recommendations
Material / Metallurgical Analysis:We have metallurgical analysts and chemists on staff to assist in cases involving material and metallurgical analysis. Our experts have proven expertise in analysis of material failure and can establish why failures occur due to metallurgical or material inadequacy. We are able to perform material impact, hardness, tensile and other comprehensive tests of various types of material and metals. We are  also able to determine the compliance of materials or metals to applicable standards and specifications. We have extensive experience with material / metallurgical testing methodology as well as the interpretation of the results. The testing we perform may be part of a quality assurance program, manufacturing engineering program, failure analysis or for materials research and development.
           Related Proficiencies:
               Metallurgical Defects
               Cathodic Protection System Failures
               Coating Failures
               Paint Comparisons
               Material Non-Performance
               Material Handling
Mechanical Analysis / Industrial Machinery Failure: We have frequently proven their qualifications to determine the cause of failure in components ranging in size, scope and complexity from power generating steam boilers to earth movers to residential HVAC systems, to LPG grills to complex industrial machinery. When these types of systems malfunction, there are often a variety of causes but we will establish why the failure occurred, in a minimum of time and expense to our client.
           Related Proficiencies:
               Control Systems
               HVAC Systems
               Construction Equipment
               Hydraulic Systems
               Auto, Truck, Motorcycle Accidents
               Construction Equipment Accidents
Product Defect Analysis: Forensic Analysis & Engineering understands that it is of utmost importance that a defective product into the stream of commerce does not reach an end-user. Our professionals will establish why defects occurred in either the material, processing, handling, packing, storing or shipment by performing sequential testing and precise evaluations. Our experts will analyze the mechanical system or industrial machinery thoroughly in order to prevent the production of a defective product. Once we conclude our investigation, our engineers can then define the best corrective actions and will work the manufacturer, when needed, to remedy the defect.
           Related Proficiencies:
               Manufacturing Defects
               Product Liability
Safety Human Factors: Despite the emphasis on safety in a lot of workplaces, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) issues over 40,000 citations in a typical year. Fortunately, We can evaluate various environments to determine if there are any hazards or unsafe practices that could ultimately harm employees and work flow, such as lack of fall protection or machine guarding. In order to prevent accidents, and minimize opportunities for human errors,our's experienced safety experts will establish why the hazard or unsafe practice exists, then review what procedures need updating. As preventative measures are identified, products and systems will also be evaluated to lessen the risk of injury or loss.
           Related Proficiencies:
               Safety Engineering
               Workplace Health & Safety

Military Personal Matters:

Spousal or Matrimonial 
Individual Clients for Spousal or Matrimonial Investigations.

Human Resource Professionals 
We specializes is all aspects of investigation when dealing with human resource professionals.

Individual Clients (Personal Cases) 
Individual Clients for  Investigations: It's all about you at our Group .

Security & Professional  Investigator 
Our Group  has been providing security and investigation professionals with help you in any kind of circumstance.

Parental or Caretaker 
Usually the mother has the 'parental responsibility' for their children, but it is not uncommon to have a real love is one of our Military's matters.

Medical Services or Hospice 
Medical Services or Hospice: We will keep your organization strong and healthy.

Government Attorneys & Legal Services 
Attorneys and Legal Services with us. We have been laying down the law since 2004.

Government (Local/State/Federal) 
Government (Local/State/Federal): We pledge allegiance.

Business (Small Business) 
With our small business client services, even the smallest business can change the course of our Professional Services.

Law Enforcement Specific 
Law Enforcement-Specific: we are your greatest ally.

Business (100+ Employees) 
When your business needs a expert in the field of corporate investigation we  got  the experience to serve your Businesses.

Non-Government Organization 
We are  an US Defense Investigative and Law Group  that has been relied on by non-government organizations since 2004.

Transportation (Trucking and Cargo) 
Cargo and Transportation Investigations: Individuals and companies can rely on us to perform any investigative works.

Education Services Industry 
People in the education services industry have been coming to us for help since 2004.

Financial Services Industry 
In capitalism you'll find the financial service industry. With us, you'll find answers.

Hotel, Bar or Restaurant Specific 
Hotel, Bar, or Restaurant-Specific: We helps keep the hospitality industry hospitable and secure.

Insurance Industry and Adjusters 
The insurance services industry is a field that we have specialized in since 2004.

Real Estate Professionals 
We have been in business helping real estate professionals with investigations since 2004.


Air Force Law Center 



Investigation Cases covered in this Area:

Abandoned Property Investigation Juror Vetting (Jury Selection)
Accident Reconstruction

Kidnapping and Ransom Situation
Activity Checks Labor Dispute Monitoring
Adopted Child Locate Investigation Land Ownership and Title Investigation
Adultery or Infidelity Investigations (Marital) Litigation & Legal Support (Active Case)
A.O.E or C.O.E Insurance Investigation 

Locate Lost People
Arson or Fire Loss Investigation 

Loss and Theft Investigations
Background Checks (Online Dating) 

Lost Family Member
Background Investigation Malpractice Investigation
Background Investigation (Pre-Marital or Pre-nuptial) 

Maritime or Boating Investigations
Bankruptcy Due Diligence 

Medical and Dental Malpractice
Beneficiary Investigations 

Mergers and Acquisitions Investigation
Birth Parent Locate Investigation 

Mind Control or Brainwashing Investigations
Blacklisting and Blackballing Investigations 

Missing Persons
Bomb Threats and Detection 

Missing Pet Investigations
Bug Sweeps Mobile Phone and PDA Seizures
Cargo and Transportation Investigation 

Money Laundering Investigations
Cargo Theft Investigation 

Mortgage Fraud Investigations
C.D.L Verification 

Mystery and Secret Shopper
Cellphone Spyware Detection 

Narcotics Detection
Cellphone Tapping Detection 

Online Auction Fraud
Cellular Forensics Online 

Defamation Investigation
Cheating Decoy Investigations 

Online Gaming and M.M.O Investigations
Cheating Husband Investigation 

Online Social Networking Investigation
Cheating Spouse Investigation 

Organized Crime Control or RICO
Cheating Wife Investigation 

Origin and Cause Investigation
Child Abuse or Molestation 

Other Private Investigator Case
Child Custody and Visitation Investigations 

Overdue Cargo Investigation
Child Exploitation and Obscenity (Pornography) Paternity Investigations and Testing
Child Support Enforcement and Collection Personal Injury
Child Support Modification 

Personal Protection
Cohabitation Investigation 

Polygraph and Lie Detection (General)
Cold Case Investigations Polygraph and Lie Detection for Domestic Purposes
Commercial GPS Tracking Polygraph and Lie Detection for Employee Purposes
Competitive Business Intelligence Polygraph and Lie Detection for Pre Employment Screening
Computer Eavesdropping Detection

Pre-Employment Screening
Computer Forensics Investigation

Probate Investigation
Computer Hacking Detection

Process Service (Worldwide)
Computer Spyware Detection

Professional Malpractice Investigations
Corporate Slander Investigation 

Public Interest Investigations
Counterfeiting Crime 

Real Estate Fraud Investigations
Counter-Surveillance Religion or Faith Based Investigation
Covert Surveillance (Tailing)

Runaway and Missing Children
Criminal Background 

Checks and Search Sabotage Investigations
Criminal Defense Investigations Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Securities Investigations
Criminal Investigation (All Types) Sects Occult or Cults Investigations
Cyber Sabotage Investigations Security Consulting (CPP & PPS Certified)
Debugging Sexual Harassment Claims
D'enquête pour les Clients qui Parlent Français Sick Day Fraud
Dependency Investigations Signal Piracy Investigation
Digital Forensics Slander and Defamation of Character Investigations
Discrimination Claims Investigations 

Social Media Investigation
Diversion or Conversion Investigations 

Spousal Maintenance or Alimony Modification
Divorce Investigation 

Stalking and Harassment Investigations
Document Examination and Assessment Sting Operations
Domestic Investigations (All Types)

Stock Options Fraud
Domestic Violence 

Stolen or Lost Cat Investigations
Drowning and Boating 

Accident Investigations Stolen or Lost Dog Investigations
Drug Testing Stolen or Lost Pet Investigations
Due Diligence Investigation (General) Stolen Property Investigations
Eavesdropping Detection (Bugs and Taps) 

Strike and Labor Unrest
eDiscovery Sub-Rosa Surveillance
Elder Abuse Investigations

Substance Abuse Investigation
Electronic Discovery Services Surface or Forensic Drug Detection
Email Tracking and SMS Tracing Surveillance (Beacon or GPS tracking)
Embezzlement Investigation 

Surveillance Detection (Countermeasures)
Employee Malingering Investigation 

Technical Surveillance Countermeasures
Employee Theft Investigation 

Telephone Tapping Detection
Employment Misconduct Investigation 

Tenant Screening
Espionage Investigations Traffic and Vehicle Accident Reconstruction
Expert Witness Testimony Undercover and Covert Investigations
Extortion or Exaction Investigations 

Unfair Competition Investigations
Financial Fraud Investigations 

Unfaithful or Cheating Mate (Non-Marital)
Fugitive Apprehension

Unlawful Conduct Investigations
Gay Spouse Investigation 

Unsolved Crime Investigations
GPS Tracking Detection 

Vendor Screening Investigations
Hidden Assets Investigation 

Veterinary Malpractice Investigations
Hidden Assets Search (Lost or Forgotten) 

Water Related Death Investigation
Homicide and Murder Investigation 

White Collar Crime
Human Trafficking Wire and Electronic Communications Crime
Identity Theft Witness Locates and Interviewing
Inheritance Investigation 

Witness Statements
Insurance Fraud Investigations (Active Case) Workers' Compensation Fraud (AOE/COE)
Intellectual Property and Copyright Infringement Workplace (ADA, EEOC, or FMLA Sensitive)
International Marriage Investigation Workplace Conditions Investigations
International Rendition

Workplace Investigation Interview
Internet Cyber Bullying 

Workplace Violence Investigation
Internet Defamation and Slander Investigations Wrongful Death Investigations
Wrongful Imprisonment

Clients Serviced in this Area:
Government Attorneys & Legal Services Insurance Industry and Adjusters
Business (100+ Employees) 

Law Enforcement Specific
Business (Small Business) 

Medical Services or Hospice
Education Services Industry 

Non-Government Organization
Financial Services Industry 

Parental or Caretaker
Government (Local/State/Federal)

Real Estate Professionals
Hotel, Bar or Restaurant

Specific Security & Private Investigator
Human Resource Professionals 

Spousal or Matrimonial
Individual Clients (Personal Cases) 

Transportation (Trucking and Cargo).